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Sport is a series of STORMS; your athlete is STUCK in it.

Shawnee Harle

Did you see the movie Inside Out? Did it hit home when you thought about your athlete?

Those characters - FEAR, ANGER, SADNESS, ANXIETY - they’re more than just cartoon emotions.

They’re REAL, and they show up when the stakes are high, right when your athlete needs to perform at their best.

So, let's get REAL: What's your athlete going to do when these EMOTIONS arise?

Sport is a series of STORMS; most of them are EMOTIONAL.

Until your athlete learns what to do with NERVES, FEAR, WORRY, and LACK OF CONFIDENCE, all the technical coaching in the world WON’T save them from the storm brewing inside.

When the pressure rises, the EMOTIONAL storm kicks in.

And your athlete will MELT. They will HIDE. They will CHOKE.

But what if they had the tools to FACE those emotions head-on?

What if they knew how to CALM the inner storm rather than RUN from it?

FACE it rather than FEAR it?

As a 2X Olympian and Mental Toughness Coach, teaching athletes these tools is my specialty. Ready when you are.



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