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Grow Courageous Athletes

FREE Parent Webinar

Sunday, December 1st
5:00pm PST/8:00pm EST

Come as you are:
During dinner, relaxing in your PJ's:)

FREE Webinar: Register
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Not recorded.
Not used for marketing/promotions.

Do you wish your kids were more daring,
more creative, more willing to get
uncomfortable and take risks?

Help them GROW!

Become a better gardener.


Your kids want to grow, they want to step up when the game is on the line, they want to try new things, hard things.

But fear holds them back; fear of the thunder and lightning.


Sport is a series of storms; most of them are emotional. Your kids don't know WHAT to do with HOW they FEEL.


They don't know how to handle:

  • Lack of confidence

  • Nerves

  • Pressure

  • Worry

  • Self-doubt

  • Disappointment

  • Anger


They get overwhelmed and swept away by the emotional storm that’s raging within, and it causes them to:

  • Play it safe

  • Avoid hard things

  • Give up easily

  • Hide or melt in big moments

  • Block you out in the car ride home


It raises these questions:

  • Where does the storm come from?

  • What causes it?

  • How do we calm it?


Join Shawnee for this FREE 45 minute, interactive webinar and help your kids become courageous in the eye of the storm.

Register now

Register: Grow Courageous Athletes

Check your inbox for details.

Why Attend?


Expert guidance from Shawnee,
a 2X Olympian & Mental Toughness Coach.


Equip yourself with tools so you can help your kids show up as their Greatest Self.

FREE Webinar: Register


Connect with other parents who share your commitment to developing courageous kids.

Register Now
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