What clients say...
Ale, Olympic ski jumping
Extreme sports require both a strong body and mental toughness. Although my physical game was on par, I lacked mental toughness. After 1 session with Shawnee, I qualified for my first World Championship. And I recently won a bronze medal at the Beijing Olympics when I was still in high school!!
Shannon, water polo mom
Shawnee taught my boys how to get into BEAST MODE! She helped them get to the heart of what was getting in their way. The fact that it was their emotions that were getting in their way, isn't something that's touched on in sport. Now my boys know what to do with how they feel.
Jack, age 13, basketball
Shawnee helped me figure out why I was so nervous before important games and what to do about it. She also helped me develop High Performance Habits, on and off the court. Now I'm much more willing to take risks and try new things, even in a game.
Cathy, hockey mom
Working with Shawnee has changed how we parent our kids, in sport and life. We have better conversations about losing and winning, and what's in their control. Our kids have more freedom to play, succeed, fail and most importantly, become independent learners.

Kierden, age 10, multi-sports
Shawnee's Mental Toughness lessons were amazing and very inspiring. She taught me some new things that I try and work on now. Mostly I try and focus on what's in my control and not worry so much about the other stuff.

Jamie, age 12, soccer
My thoughts were really getting me down and making me feel nervous and anxious. But I didn't know what to do about it so I pretended that everything was fine. Now I know how to not let my thoughts control me. It helps me not be so hard on myself.

Zach, age 15, hockey
Shawnee has helped me focus on what's in my control. Instead of worrying about scoring goals, I focus on what I can do, not the outcome. This made me a better goal scorer. After a big loss, Shawnee's tools help me get through it, so I'm ready to bounce back next time I'm on the ice.

Jackson, age 13, multi-sports
I learned not to hide in the Zoo! I need to stop playing it safe. This means I need to be willing to take risks and try new things, even if I'm not good at them yet.

Teal, Olympic freestyle skier
Shawnee's MT coaching helped me get a handle on what I'm thinking and feeling when I compete. I know what to do when I feel nervous; I am the boss of my thoughts rather than allowing them to boss me around. I can focus on what's in my control and compete with confidence.
Laura, sports mom
I was struggling to deliver a message to my kids that isn't over the top. Shawnee showed me that my intentions were good, but my delivery was terrible!! Now I have a toolkit and so do my kids. We can speak the same language, I know how to ask better questions, and understand when my fears get in the way.
Emily, age 17, volleyball
I didn't know the difference between nice and kind. Shawnee showed me that nice was actually holding me back because I was looking for approval, so my motivation was always outside of myself. Now I work on being kind rather than nice. Kind is a value, and I want to lead with my values.

Korey, age 16, volleyball
Shawnee taught me how to deal with my negative feelings, understand I can be brave and afraid at the same time, and how to deal with pressure. She also helped me understand the difference between goals and values and why it matters.

Kim, Professional Golfer
Shawnee has completely changed my mindset on the golf course. She has given me tools to use in competition to manage the nerves and emotions that come with playing at the highest level. I know I wouldn't be where I am today without her guidance.

Tracy, ski jumping mom
What Shawnee has done for my daughter has been outstanding! My daughter looks objectively at her behaviour and reactions. Shawnee has brought out the high performance attitude that my daughter needed to compete on the biggest stage at the World Cup and the Beijing Olympics.

Sophie, age 16, basketball
After working with Shawnee, I feel like I can handle stressful or uncomfortable situations much better in my sport and in life. She gave me the tools to focus on the things I can control, and keep my mindset focused on the present. Thanks so much Shawnee!!

Leighann, sports mom
Shawnee equips people for sport and life, with a clear, concise delivery. Now I have a toolkit whether I'm coaching my team, parenting my kids, or overcoming obstacles in my own life. Her content should be required curriculum in all schools. It's life changing!

Chris, age 14, basketball
Shawnee taught me how to identify when I'm in a negative thought cycle. This makes a huge difference in my sport because it let's me calm my mind down during big moments in games!

Alena, Olympic golfer
Alena is a two-time Olympian. Shawnee was her personal Mental Toughness Coach every week on the LPGA tour.

Scott, hockey dad
We were at wits end because our son wasn't enjoying hockey. Shawnee gave him a toolkit and two days later, he played the best game of his life. He now uses his tools to respond rather than react. He's become more of a problem solver, less of a complainer.

Hayden, age 15, soccer
Shawnee's MT tools helped me in so many ways. I learned how to NOT get down on myself, how NOT to be scared of messing up and trying new things. I highly recommend Shawnee. She can help you improve your confidence and become the best you can be.

Mike, age 15, basketball
What Shawnee teaches helps athletes in any sport. She teaches more than "be tough". It's learning the lessons behind being present, and being able to work your way through a difficult game. What she has taught me has been crucial to my success.

Catherine, basketball mom
Shawnee is a gift to the athletes, parents, and communities she works with. If you want to improve your game, her invitation is waiting for you. She’s inspiring, brilliant, and extremely supportive. She is not only helping my sons achieve their goals, she is supporting me in being a better parent as I guide my high level athletes.

Matt, soccer dad
Shawnee gave me new tools. The old tools were definitely not working and my son was tuning me out. I stopped coaching him during the car ride home and started asking great questions that caused him to self-reflect. I became a better listener. My son now engages with me rather than his phone.

Maddy, basketball coach
Shawnee's Mental Toughness course was filled with amazing content that encouraged me to reflect on my current mental toughness practices as a coach. I learned many strategies for self-development and tools to support my athletes in their Mental Toughness journey. I can’t wait to apply what I learned with my team!