Private Coaching
STEP 1: Registration
Fill out the forms below for each athlete and parent participating in Private Coaching
STEP 2: Payment
Decide whether you want 1 month or 3 months of Private Coaching
1 month is a one time fee, up front
3 months has a payment plan
Go to the Payment Plan page and enter your credit card information
Payment includes 1 athlete and 2 parents​
Add a 2nd athlete for 50% off​​​*
*Note: Canadian clients can pay via eTransfer to
STEP 3: Mental Toughness Toolkit
Once payment is received, each registrant will get an invite to my video series
Each participant needs to check their email to create a password and join Mental Toughness Toolkit ​
STEP 4: Check Your Email
You will find details about Zoom calls and everything else you need to know