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*This version is for YOUTH athletes ages 7-12 years.


Sport is a series of storms; most of them are emotional.


And your athlete is stuck right in the middle of it; full of nerves, fear, worry, and self-doubt.

Until your athlete learns what to do with their emotions, all the technical coaching in the world won't save them from the storms.​


When the pressure rises and the stakes are high, their emotions will take over. They will MELT. They will HIDE. They will CHOKE.




Mental Toughness Toolkit will help your athlete CALM THE STORMS.

Your athlete will learn what to do when the thunder and lightning strikes. Instead of hiding or avoiding the storms, they will face them with courage. They will use their tools to manage their emotions.  They will RISE instead of RUN.

Mental Toughness Toolkit includes:

  • 3 Workshops
    • 10 minutes each
    • Audio/video format
    • PPT format
  • Athlete eBook to help apply the concepts
  • Parent/Coach eBook to help apply the concepts

All of this delivered to your inbox and it's yours, forever.

YOUTH Mental Toughness Toolkit

Excluding GST/HST
  • If you would like to continue your Mental Toughness journey:

    • Book a free, no pressure call with Shawnee.
    • Or sign up for 1:1 Coaching.
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