Inside every athlete is a better one.
I’m not a mindset coach, I'm not a sports psychologist. I don’t teach visualization or goal setting, although I’m a fan of both.
I help athletes figure out what's going on in their head, and why it's causing nerves, self-doubt and lack of confidence.
To understand this dilemma, we must first do heart work. Why?
Because that’s where the truth is; the truth will set you free. And the truth is, Mental Toughness is NOT about getting rid of our negative feelings. When something matters to us, when it’s important, it’s normal to have these feelings.
Mental Toughness is about managing ALL thoughts, feelings and emotions that sport brings. I help athletes build a toolkit to manage what's going on in their head AND their heart.
Once they have a toolkit, they are ready to face the storms that inevitably arise in the pursuit of goals and dreams.
Change doesn’t take time, it takes courageous action.
Mental Toughness is a journey that will change your athletes life forever. Yours too.
"Shawnee gave me the tools to compete at my first World Cup when I didn't feel ready. As we continued to work together, I used my Mental Toughness tools to bring home Canada's first ever Olympic medal in ski jumping!
"We needed help from Shawnee because our son was preparing for a big tryout and we could see the nerves building. He needed help managing his emotions. My husband and I also gained a new vocabulary and now our words help rather than hinder."
They want to be selected to their dream team, they want to be confident, be noticed by scouts and earn a scholarship, they want to confidently step into the competitive arena, kick butt, and take no prisoners!
To honour their goals, they have done more training, signed up for extra skill development, improved their strength and fitness, and spent time reviewing video.
But something is still missing.
They’re holding back and playing it safe. In big moments they hide rather than shine. They aren’t taking risks and trying new things. They feel nervous and anxious. They worry that someone else will be selected instead of them, someone else will get that scholarship, and they continue to underperform.
You feel everything your athlete feels. You're right there with them as they journey toward their goals. They dream about it and so do you.
​To help them achieve their goals, you have done more; signed them up for more sessions, driven them to more practices, hired an expert coach to give them more skills, and sat in the stands (even when it’s hot, cold, rainy, sunny, exciting, boring) to give them more support.
​But you can feel your athlete is still missing something.
​You are frustrated with their progress. They don’t listen to your advice. They block you out in the car ride home. Conversations often end up in arguments. And sometimes you feel like giving up.
I understand this dilemma.
As an elite athlete, I thought the answer was more; more training, more practicing, more skill sessions, and more workouts. Anything to overcome the fear of being left behind.
​But no matter how hard I chased my dreams, I could never run away from the fear that constantly followed and found me.
Fear that I wasn’t good enough, fear that others would pass me, fear that I would be overlooked by coaches, evaluators, and recruiters.
Those fears always caused me to underperform.
Then, as an elite coach, I watched high school, college, National, and Olympic athletes do more than was required; and it still wasn't enough.
It’s allowed me to see that athletes and parents aren’t just looking for help. They are looking for the RIGHT help to solve the RIGHT problem.
Look, this isn’t just a game your athlete is playing; it’s much bigger and the stakes are high. You and your athlete have invested time, money, and sweat equity.
But here’s the kicker; so has everyone else.
The last time I checked, most athletes do extra skill sessions, put more time in the weight room, hire an expert skill coach, and watch videos. And their parents do more than is expected to support the journey.
Talent and physical ability soon level out. The podium gets narrower, not wider, and many athletes get left behind. There simply isn’t room for everyone on the dream team, there simply aren't enough scholarships for everyone.
So where will you and your athlete find an edge?
Right HERE with ME. That’s your edge.

When it's "go time" you can't hide from yourself.
Heart work is required.
How can your athlete expect to show up on the biggest stage, the biggest competition of their life, with everyone watching, unless they have looked inside? Stop hiding!
How can they expect to win on the court, rink, field, snow, or pool unless they have done heart work? Start looking inside!
Heart work is simple but not easy. It requires self-awareness and emotional intelligence; two things that sport NEVER talks about.
This isn’t just a game. It’s the game of life and we use sport as the context.
So go ahead and encourage your athlete to continue visualizing and setting goals.
And if your athlete wants the best shot at standing on the podium, my coaching, where I tap into their heart, is your secret sauce. My secret sauce is unlike anything you have ever tasted.
The podium awaits.
And if you're like me, you understand the most important podium is the Podium of Life.
Come along with me on a journey that will change your athlete's life (and yours) forever.

You can't pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Mental Toughness Training will show your athlete how to build a toolkit to handle the pressure of competition when it matters the most. You don't need magic, but you do need courage and confidence.
Athletes will gain a competitive advantage:
Increase self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Manage thoughts, feelings, and emotions
Improve confidence and courage
Take risks and get uncomfortable
Elevate grit and resilience
Bounce back quickly from mistakes and failures
Your athlete will shift from:
Nervous to knowing
Fuming to focused
Doubtful to deliberate
Fear to fierce
They will learn to understand what’s going on in their head AND their heart, step up, and courageously pursue their goals and dreams.
They will save themselves from the storms that sport brings, and manage the feelings and emotions that always emerge.
They will understand what to DO when EVERYTHING is on the line:
The ball is in their hands as the clock ticks down
Preparing to take the winning shot in the shoot out
Serving on match point against a strong opponent
Needing to post a great score, on the last run, to make the finals
Standing over a 4-foot putt to win the tournament
Scouts and recruiters are in the stands watching
What would it feel like for your athlete
to STEP UP when it matters most?
And there's more to it. A Mental Toughness toolkit is as important for parents as it is for athletes. Now YOU have the right tools, to identify the right problems, and help your athlete shine on the BIGGEST stage, the BIGGEST day of their life.
YOU feel everything your athlete feels. YOU can learn to manage the feelings and emotions that always emerge when YOU watch your athlete.
You will understand what to SAY when EVERYTHING is on the line when:
You’re in the stands, on the edge of your seat, during an important competition
Your athlete didn't perform well, and you want to give advice
You’re in the car on the way home, and your athlete is shutting you out
Your athlete is feeling the pressure and you don't know how to relieve it
You’re worried about how your athlete will perform when scouts and recruiters are watching
What would it feel like to say
the RIGHT thing when it matters most?
Change doesn't take time.
It takes courageous action.
If there is no change, nothing changes.
My secret sauce helps you and your athlete do things differently,
and changes the trajectory of the journey forever.

Still have questions? Book a free, NO PRESSURE call or email Shawnee today.